Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Default is avoided, but now... what follows?

Over the past few weeks, the most urgent and vital issue of Americans was whether the Government avoids a federal default or not. Both the state and federal government were undergoing a remarkable budget shortfall while the needs of citizens such as Medicaid caused even more amount of increase in debt. Finally, the amount of debt met the ceiling, the highest limit, and decisions had to be made between raising the ceiling and borrowing more money, or undergo the government default.
Republicans and Democrats, as usual, debated on it according to their own ideologies, thus delaying the decision to the very last minute. As a result, they both backed down a little bit and compromised to push the final decision for later on this year. However, both parties were desperate enough to solve the issue and agreed to increase the debt ceiling by some amount eventually. 
I believe that this decision is not the best solution to deal with almost infinite amount of debt the U.S. Government has had, but I also agree that this decision was the only way to prevent the government from the default. Postponing the decision and increasing the debt ceiling did save the federal government from the ultimate disaster, the default. Nonetheless, in reality, it did not solve anything. Instead, it only increased the amount of debt to pay back again. Fortunately, one bright side is that it did earn some amount of additional time to come up with the right solution. The very urgent fire is caught and now government have time to find the ultimate solution to balance the budget.
To achieve the real solution to save American economy and the government from complete failure, citizens must support the policies of government with interest and care for the nation. Under the strong leadership of government, this nation, in which everyone is living on debts, can be saved. Only the government itself can solve this problem. Either the spending decreases or the tax increase, citizens should follow the decision with trust, and even sacrifice themselves when needed. Even though the quality of life may be fallen or individual satisfaction may be decreased, it is time to believe in the leadership of the government and give up some individualism as people did during the Great Depression. Things can be solved and that can be done only when people trust the government and its policies. 

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