Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Blind Response by Mean Rachel

       In this commentary from Mean Rachel, Rachel criticizes the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, for his attempting to fool God as well as those who live in poverty. Governor Perry has announced a national day of prayer. And he himself performed starving for a day, as if he cares much for poor people. However, critics of Perry attack these actions as he was pretending and trying to fool people by superficial and fake intensions hidden inside of him. Rachel continues to argue that Perry hosted the national day of prayer just to convince the Christian votes. Accordingly, his starving for a day was only to show off his interest for people living in poverty to vote for him. In real, he only favors for his white upper-middle class. I agree to her point of view that Perry does not realize how to be a true Christian or how to take care of the poor.

       Rachel continues to criticize Perry’s relying on prayers. She mocks that praying is easy for Perry because he doesn’t have to do anything in real. She even describes praying as easy as closing one’s eyes that does not even require fixing one’s hair to do so. As a governor, Perry should have proposed more realistic and practical ways to raise the economy of Texas once more. He should have worked, not prayed to seek votes and rebuilt the economy. Nonetheless, Perry relied on prayers that do not even require any sort of difficulties involved in working.

       Rachel finishes her commentary by saying that work is not closing your eyes and praying for those you don’t want to see. It is opening your eyes and helping those you can. I cannot agree more to her last words that Perry should really focus on working instead of seeking for short cuts and easy pathways.

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